Making Pico shine since 2000.


Hi There!

We’re the PICO Improvement District – the team that brings you street banners, landscaped medians, support for Shakespeare in the Park, a Homespun Holiday, and, yes, this website. We help murals get painted, beautify the streets and work with all sorts of community members – from small businesses to residents to property owners, Virginia Park to City Council, and many, many more – all to keep up that special Pico shine.

We are a non-profit mutual benefit corporation founded in 2000 and funded by Pico merchants, with two main purposes: to collectively promote the merchants whose businesses front on Pico (from Centinela to the beach), and to encourage and foster good relationships between the merchants and the local residents. We work to enhance the neighborhood and amplify PICO’s creative and innovative vibe. If you’re a business with an address on Pico in Santa Monica, you are already a member! We’re here to support you. 

Questions about Pico? Interested in attending our Monthly Meetings on the second Wednesday of each month, or volunteering at events? Contact us. We’re on it!


A Business Improvement District (BID) is a partnership in which business owners make a collective contribution to the maintenance, development and promotion of their commercial district. Funds to pay for BID programs and services are generated from businesses owners. Santa Monica BIDS annually invest in services that revitalize neighborhoods and catalyze economic development.

Find more information on Santa Monica districts